Speaker: Rev. Eric Severson

“If It’s Not One Thing, It’s Another”

Join us to reflect not only on treating the Earth with respect but increasing biodiversity, moving us from a sustainability to a regeneration frame of mind. Will include a new member ceremony and the UUFoM choir. Led by Rev. Eric Severson. ZOOM LINK  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/943984845?pwd=YTZUQ01RYzBXZ0hsREVNQjNZcFp2Zz09Meeting ID: 943 984 845Password: 62201162

“To Paradise and Beyond”

Join us for insights on the power of transformation in the natural world, in the human heart, and in our congregation. We’ll also explore in earnest our aspirations for a new mission statement. Led by Rev. Eric Severson. ZOOM LINK  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/943984845?pwd=YTZUQ01RYzBXZ0hsREVNQjNZcFp2Zz09Meeting ID: 943 984 845Password: 62201162

A Very Good Idea (All-Ages)

Justice and equity are possible only if we first affirm religious freedom, along with one another’s inherent worth and dignity. For Unitarians this began centuries ago with Unitarian King John Sigismund’s Edict of Torda. Join us for an all-ages service that tells the story. :Led by Rev. Eric Severson and DRE Jennifer Page. ZOOM LINK  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/943984845?pwd=YTZUQ01RYzBXZ0hsREVNQjNZcFp2Zz09Meeting … Continue reading A Very Good Idea (All-Ages)

Whither Equity?

While equality means providing the same opportunity to all, equity means recognizing that we do not all start from the same place. We have a responsibility to acknowledge and make adjustments to systemic imbalances. Led by Rev. Eric Severson. ZOOM LINK  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/943984845?pwd=YTZUQ01RYzBXZ0hsREVNQjNZcFp2Zz09Meeting ID: 943 984 845Password: 62201162

Working Toward Liberating Love

What does it mean to work toward liberating love? Join us as guest speaker Ryan Griffus, director of the Midland County Juvenile Justice Center, describes his work and commitment to loving the next generation. Led by Rev. Eric Severson.

Sunday Multiplatform Worship Service Canceled

UUFoM’s Sunday service and RE classes for tomorrow are CANCELED due to health concerns and winter weather. Oftentimes, we are able to switch events over to Zoom meetings, but there are several reasons why fellowship activities may be canceled. These include inclement weather, power outages, staff or volunteer illness or unavailability, and facility or community-wide … Continue reading Sunday Multiplatform Worship Service Canceled

The Power of the Babe

December 24, at 6:30 PM – Christmas Eve Service | Multigenerational Join us for an all-ages Christmas Eve service celebrating the power and promise of newborn life. Led by Rev. Eric Severson and DRE Jen Page. Holiday reception to follow.

That’s Really Out There

There is so much we don’t understand about the universe. And yet, there are things we do know. Join us in celebrating the coming winter solstice and the gift of mystery in our lives. Led by Rev. Eric Severson. ZOOM LINK  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/943984845?pwd=YTZUQ01RYzBXZ0hsREVNQjNZcFp2Zz09Meeting ID: 943 984 845Password: 62201162