Speaker: Rev. Eric Severson

Giving Voice to Mystery

Join us for Choir Sunday! Our choir, directed by Andrew Schulz, will give voice to mystery in song. ZOOM LINK  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/943984845?pwd=YTZUQ01RYzBXZ0hsREVNQjNZcFp2Zz09Meeting ID: 943 984 845Password: 62201162

Are You Gonna Eat That?

Multigenerational. As we grow and change, we come to different beliefs about ourselves and the world. Join us for a fun all-ages post-Thanksgiving service, where we will explore what we might do with “the leftovers.” Led by Rev. Eric Severson and DRE Jennifer Page. The month’s collection: Guest at Your Table. ZOOM LINK  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/943984845?pwd=YTZUQ01RYzBXZ0hsREVNQjNZcFp2Zz09Meeting ID: 943 … Continue reading Are You Gonna Eat That?

Celebrating Our Gifts

Gratitude can help move us from a mindset of scarcity to one of abundance. Join us in exploring how gratitude and generosity are linked. We will celebrate our many gifts with a cider-and-cornbread communion. Led by Rev. Eric Severson. The month’s collection: Guest at Your Table. ZOOM LINK  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/943984845?pwd=YTZUQ01RYzBXZ0hsREVNQjNZcFp2Zz09Meeting ID: 943 984 845Password: 62201162

Cultivating a Generous Heart

Being generous with others connects us to people more deeply. It helps move us from isolation to community. By being generous, we give and receive the gift of connection. Led by Rev. Eric Severson. The month’s collection: Guest at Your Table. ZOOM LINK  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/943984845?pwd=YTZUQ01RYzBXZ0hsREVNQjNZcFp2Zz09Meeting ID: 943 984 845Password: 62201162

Befriending Spirits

(Multigenerational Service) One of the biggest existential questions is, “What happens when we die?” Do our spirits live on? No one knows, but the thought can be a comfort to those still living. Join us for a fun all-ages service in which we play at befriending spirits and usher in the “March of the Goblins.” … Continue reading Befriending Spirits

What Will Be Our Legacy?

In the busyness of daily living, we may forget to consider the impact our choices and actions may have on future generations. What are our responsibilities to those yet to come? Led by Rev. Eric Severson. Followed by the annual business meeting. ZOOM LINK  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/943984845?pwd=YTZUQ01RYzBXZ0hsREVNQjNZcFp2Zz09Meeting ID: 943 984 845Password: 62201162

The Autumn of Our Lives

Building on the October 1 service, we will compare how the “autumn of our lives” compares with those of our forebears. We will examine how we might better cope with the challenges and appreciate the opportunities and beauty of aging. Led by Rev. Eric Severson. After the service we will talk through some advance directive … Continue reading The Autumn of Our Lives

Are We There Yet?

As religious progressives, we strive for personal and societal transformation. But we know that the pace of change can be painfully slow and incremental. Quite often we must temper our impatience. It can help to remember the perseverance and determination of heroes who have gone before us. Led by Rev. Eric Severson. ZOOM LINK  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/943984845?pwd=YTZUQ01RYzBXZ0hsREVNQjNZcFp2Zz09Meeting ID: … Continue reading Are We There Yet?

Mission Possible

As we renew our fellowship’s vision and mission for the next few years, let us be both mindful of our obligations and open to what is possible. Led by Rev. Eric Severson.

Radical Hospitality

Join us in welcoming each person in their wholeness, holiness, and imperfection. This service will include a new member ceremony, with a “welcome back” picnic to follow. Bring a friend! Come for the community; stay for the fun! Led by Rev. Eric Severson.