Speaker: Rev. Eric Severson

Merging Streams

Join us for an all-ages water communion service. Help us welcome one another by bringing water that represents important experiences you’ve had in the past year. Will include plenty of music and a “backpack blessing” for all learners returning to school. Led by Rev. Eric Severson and DRE Jennifer Page.

Faithfully Becoming – About General Assembly 2023

Whether intentionally or obliviously, we are always becoming. With every choice we make, we give priority to one option over another. We as a congregation, a region, and an association are also becoming. Join us as we hear updates and experiences from those who attended the General Assembly in Pittsburgh last month. Shannon Sonoras, Jennifer … Continue reading Faithfully Becoming – About General Assembly 2023

Toward Beloved Community

Our fellowship is cosponsoring Midland’s Juneteenth celebration, an annual event celebrating the emancipation of African-American slaves in the United States. Join us in exploring the origins and the enduring truths and connections of this multicultural celebration. Led by Rev. Eric Severson. This is Rev. Eric’s final pulpit appearance until September.

Many Hands

Join us in celebrating and thanking the many volunteers who serve our fellowship in so many ways. Led by Rev. Eric Severson and DRE Monica Hughes. This is a multigenerational service.

As I Am

In celebration of LGBTQ Pride month, we will focus — through words and music — on what it means to live with pride and authenticity. Led by Rev. Eric Severson.

Remembering Well

Join us for a respectful time of remembering — through reading, song, and ritual — military service members who have died. Led by Rev. Eric Severson.

Beauty Calls Us Together: Celebrating 100 Years of the Flower Ceremony

Join us as UUFoM musicians perform a song cycle with accompanying readings created by Kathryn Canan, Rev. Suzelle Lynch, and Ruben Piirainen. Composed in 2023, it will honor the 100-year anniversary of the Flower Ceremony; that is an annual ritual begun in 1923 by the Rev. Dr. Norbert Čapek, in Prague, Czechoslovakia, to celebrate beauty, … Continue reading Beauty Calls Us Together: Celebrating 100 Years of the Flower Ceremony

In Good Hands

Receiving support, being held in good hands, is more than just an insurance slogan. Becoming fully present to one another is a task not only for professional and lay ministers, but everyone. Reliably trusting and depending on others is the bedrock of society. Celebrate with us some of the rituals human beings have created for … Continue reading In Good Hands

The Divinity of Youth

In a poem by Christopher Morley, a “strange divinity” suffuses every child. Let us gather in reverence and celebration of the youngest among us. Will include a child dedication ceremony for any who wish, led by Rev. Eric Severson.

Unitarian Universalist Musicians’ Palette

Join us Music Sunday to listen to a diverse palette of music performed by our many talented musicians, including the UUFoM choir. As Unitarian Universalist musicians, we hold both joy and responsibility in gathering diverse music to enrich our Sunday services each week. Drawing from our many spiritual and sacred sources, and from secular music … Continue reading Unitarian Universalist Musicians’ Palette